Twitter has spawned a whole new breed of voyeuristic babes happy to
chronicle their sexy exploits. Needless to say, we are all for such
technological advances. Here’s a sampling of shutter-happy girls on
Twitter who will make it worth your while, should you choose to follow.
Follow @MinaStefan

Follow @SherlynChopra

Follow @DioraBaird1

Follow @JessicaBurciaga

Follow @ChelseaWhite

Follow @RosieJones1990

Follow @RosaAcosta

Follow @AubreyODay

Follow @September87

Follow @BiancaBeauchamp

Mina Stefan
If anyone’s famous because of Twitter, it’s this girl. Mina’s an Internet pin-up model with an affliction for midriff-baring, cleavage galore TwitPics—and we’re talking multiple per day. Her text tweets are interesting enough, like the daily “Good Morning!” and the usual update on if it’s Fruity Pebbles or pizza for lunch.Follow @MinaStefan
Sherlyn Chopra
Model, singer, actress…Sherlyn wears a few hats, especially that of a serial sexy pic Tweeter. The Indian sex kitten mostly posts about her Middle Eastern travels, parties in Sri Lanka—global debauchery, in general.Follow @SherlynChopra
Diora Baird
Who’s that girl? Looks familiar, right? Diora’s the hottest girl you’ve always seen but can’t quite remember where. She’s extremely well-versed in the Twitverse, constantly cracking jokes and posting ironic TwitPics. Sure, not all of her pics are hot, but if you pay attention for long enough, your patience will be rewarded with the gift of Diora’s impossible cleavage.Follow @DioraBaird1
Jessica Burciaga
Also known as Miss February 2009, this Playmate is constantly on the move in Florida and at parties with some seriously hot friends (mostly models, it looks like). Luckily for us, she documents everything along the way.Follow @JessicaBurciaga
Chelsea White
Chelsea is a photographer. Chelsea is a very hot photographer. Chelsea is a very hot photographer who shoots very hot models (like Playmate of the Year 2007 Sara Jean Underwood, Brit lad mag model Rosie Jones…) and posts teaser pics on Twitter. No more explanation needed.Follow @ChelseaWhite
Rosie Jones
Rosie Jones (right) is one of the most lusted after babes in the UK, gracing many a boob-mag cover. She likes to spread the love in her TwitPics with her luscious galpals, like Emma Glover (left).Follow @RosieJones1990
Rosa Acosta
Few know the power of a good butt shot like Rosa Acosta does. The caramel-skinned beauty from the Dominican Republic is a force of nature in the world of men’s magazines, but she never keeps her fans waiting for her pictorials long. Check out revealing pics of her stretching and getting ready for shoots, just to name a few scenarios.Follow @RosaAcosta
Aubrey O’Day
This girl loves food. Well, she loves being covered in it, it seems. Aubrey has been in the spotlight since her days as a pop star from one of those MTV reality shows P. Diddy orchestrated. Her TwitPics have long been in the hall of fame of boobflashes on Twitter. Mmm…boobflashes.Follow @AubreyODay
September Carrino
Every great modern pin-up model is (or should be) fairly active on Twitter. Introducing: September Carrino. Carrying some of the biggest chestpieces we’ve seen, September likes to invite her followers into the dressing room with her, showing off her latest and greatest lingerie purchase—and with a cup size in the F range, she fills things out nicely.Follow @September87
Bianca Beauchamp
On a very different note, Bianca is the only latex model on our list, and that’s no accident. The busty redhead is the best at what she does, and she isn’t afraid to tweet about it. Get sneak peeks of her latest fetish photo shoot, or just catch her casually going for a dip at the beach.Follow @BiancaBeauchamp